Project information

  • Category: Portal/Website Development
  • Client: DANTES
  • Project date: September 2017 - September 2022
  • Project URL:

Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA) has supported DANTES for more than 15 years through development and technical assistance of the Troops to Teachers website. SRCA continues to maintain the DANTES website in alignment with the DoD VolEd Strategic Communication Plan, DoD MOU, and DoDI 1322.25, and the Principles of Excellence.

The TTT site was developed to provide service men and women opportunity awareness for higher education options and federal G.I. Bill funding services. The site allows individuals to search for colleges that participated within the Troops to Teachers grant funding. Additionally, the site allows individuals to research course availability, register for courses, and easily locate support services for questions.

The TTT website is the organization’s primary medium for providing program information to the public. SRCA has been contracted to update the TTT website to reflect web-friendly formats, an improved information delivery strategy, video content, social media engagement/sharing, and updated architecture and features to support online program registration.

The upgraded website is designed and developed in accordance with the TTT Strategic Communications Plan and Visual Style Guide and prepared for the intended target audience – Service members and military veterans.